
Splitterschutzfolien – Ihr Schild gegen unerwartete Gefahren

In einer unvorhersehbaren Welt sind Splitterschutzfolien eine Investition in die Sicherheit Ihres Zuhauses oder Ihres Geschäfts. Sie dienen als unsichtbare Barriere, die das Risiko von Verletzungen durch zerbrochenes Glas minimiert, sei es durch Unfälle, Stürme oder andere unerwartete Ereignisse. Bei Sonnenschutz-Saar bieten wir Ihnen hochwertige 3M Splitterschutzfolien, die speziell entwickelt wurden, um robusten Schutz zu bieten, ohne die Ästhetik Ihrer Räumlichkeiten zu beeinträchtigen.

Wir stehen Ihnen gerne bei der Beratung & Montage der Splittschutzfolie zur Seite


Robuster Schutz und unauffällige Sicherheit mit 3M Splitterschutzfolien

Avoid glass injuries and protect your loved ones

Glass is an essential element of modern architecture, appreciated for its elegance and transparency. However, despite its aesthetic appeal, glass poses risks, especially when it breaks. Glass breakage can cause serious injury and is particularly dangerous in areas where people are present. The solution to this dilemma is the 3M S40, S70 and S80 series shatter protection films that we offer at Sonnenschutz-Saar. These films are specially designed to minimize the dangers associated with broken glass, while maintaining the optical clarity and aesthetics of the glass.

The 3M anti-shatter films are tested and certified according to the EN 12600: 2B2 and EN12600: 1B1 standards. The certification ensures that the films have a high resistance to impact and pressure and that they safely contain the dangerous glass splinters in the event of glass breakage. This means that even if the glass breaks, the sharp edges of the glass remain safely enclosed behind the film, significantly reducing the risk of serious injury. This feature is particularly important in homes with children and pets, as well as in business environments where people’s safety is of paramount importance.

The 3M anti-shatter films are transparent and weather-resistant, which means that they do not affect the appearance of your windows and glass surfaces. The scratch-resistant surface of the films ensures a long service life and minimizes maintenance. They are made of a robust polyester film that has a high tear and tear resistance as well as elongation at break, which increases the resistance of all glass elements to physical impact.

Another advantage of 3M anti-shatter films is their easy installation. Our experts at Sonnenschutz-Saar provide professional installation to ensure that the films are correctly applied and offer the best possible protection.

With 3M shatter-resistant glass, you are investing in the safety of your premises and protecting yourself and your loved ones from the dangers associated with broken glass. Contact us today to learn more about our shatter-resistant glass and how it can help you create a safer home or office.

Vorteile der Splitterschutzfolien


Minimiert das Risiko schwerer Verletzungen durch das Festhalten von Glassplittern bei einem Bruch, was die Sicherheit erhöht.

Erhöhte Sicherheit

Bietet zusätzlichen Schutz gegen Einbrüche und Vandalismus, da die Folie das Eindringen durch Glasöffnungen erschwert.


Blockiert bis zu 99% der schädlichen UV-Strahlen, schützt Ihre Haut und verhindert das Ausbleichen von Möbeln und Bodenbelägen.


Ermöglicht eine sicherere Verglasung ohne die Notwendigkeit, teures Sicherheitsglas zu installieren, was Geld spart.

Wir helfen Ihnen sich zu schützen


Splitterschutzfolien erschweren Einbrechern den Zugang und bieten eine zusätzliche Sicherheitsbarriere für Ihre Räumlichkeiten.


Reduziert die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Schäden durch Vandalismus, indem sie die Glasoberfläche gegen gewaltsame Einwirkungen verstärken.

Schutz vor Glasbruch

Halten Glassplitter bei einem Bruch zurück und minimieren somit das Risiko von Verletzungen durch zerbrochenes Glas.

Energieeffizienz und UV-Schutz

Blockieren UV-Strahlen und helfen bei der Temperaturregelung, was langfristig zu Energieeinsparungen führen kann.

Ästhetische Flexibilität

Verbessern das Erscheinungsbild Ihrer Räumlichkeiten, ohne die Sicht zu beeinträchtigen, und bieten ästhetische Vielfalt.

Einfache Installation und Wartung

Können unkompliziert von Fachleuten installiert und gewartet werden, um optimalen Schutz zu gewährleisten.

Erleben Sie die Vorteile unserer Splitterschutzfolien

Mehr als nur Splitterschutz: Ein umfassender Schutzschild für Ihre Räumlichkeiten

Shatterproof films are a cost-effective and effective way to increase both safety and energy efficiency in your premises. With their ability to contain glass fragments if they break, they provide solid protection against potential injuries while making it difficult for uninvited guests such as burglars or vandals to gain access. In addition, they block harmful UV rays and help regulate room temperature, which in turn can lead to a reduction in energy costs. Aesthetically, shatterproof films offer a variety of design options without compromising visual clarity, making them an attractive choice for home and business owners. Installation and maintenance are straightforward and can be carried out by professionals to ensure they are correctly applied and provide the best possible protection. With all of these benefits, shatterproof films not only improve the safety but also the comfort and appearance of your premises, making them a worthwhile investment for any building.

In conclusion, anti-shatter films are a smart, practical and aesthetically pleasing solution to improve the safety and comfort of your premises. With the multiple benefits they offer, from burglary resistance to UV protection and energy efficiency, they are a worthwhile investment for any home or business owner looking for an effective way to protect their premises while maintaining aesthetics


Wie 3M Sichtschutzfolien Ihr Zuhause oder Büro transformieren

Our experts at Sonnenschutz-Saar are ready to provide you with professional assembly and installation of the shatterproof films. We place great importance on giving you a clear insight into how we work to ensure that you are satisfied with the process and the results. From the initial consultation to the final installation, we will guide you through every step to ensure that your shatterproof films work effectively and provide your premises with the protection they need.

If you would like to learn more about our anti-shatter films and the installation process, or would like a personalized consultation, do not hesitate to contact us. Our experienced consultants are available to answer your questions and explain the benefits of our services and products. The safety and satisfaction of our customers are our top priority, and we look forward to helping you make your premises safer and more comfortable. Contact us today and let’s find the ideal anti-shatter film solution for your needs.

We pride ourselves on offering our customers personalized advice to ensure that the solution they choose fits their needs perfectly.
